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Training is good. Training with the right nutrition is much better. If that turns into a lifestyle, you're set up for success. Discipline will help you for some time, but only building better habits will lead to lasting changes that really improve your life.

Not everybody needs a perfect body: It's also about more energy, better sleep, functioning better at whatever you want to do - and ultimately having a better life.

We will figure out what's right and what's realistic for you.



Perfect if you have some experience. Less expensive than Personal Training, but much more effective than following generic workout plans or just "doing what you feel like".

After a first meeting (in person or via Skype) you'll get your individualized, detailed workout workout plan including nutrition and supplement recommendation.

Online-Coaching doesn't mean that you'll download something and then you'll be on your own. I'll be there for you every step of the way, with regular check-ups and movement screening/exercise examples via video.


1:1 Personal Training (in Hamburg/Berlin)

At your favorite Gym, at my favorite Gym, at home, outside....



You just need somebody to take a look at your current training or answer a couple of questions regarding nutrition or supplements?You need a little help with a certain exercise? This is the quick and easy way to get some answers.


Movement Coaching (in Hamburg/Berlin or online)

Learn a handstand? Better mobility? Improve your squat technique? It's all possible. A consultation regarding specific questions, a program aiming for a certain movement oder 1:1 training.

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